Programa para intercâmbios entre o GP LabCrítica e outros artistas, pesquisadores, ativistas e entidades parceiras. Nas Residências Partilhadas, os participantes desdobram suas atuais investigações e projetos, mutualmente compartilhando suas metodologias e colaborando com seus trabalhos em processo. A partir da cooperação mútua, busca-se aqui "fazer-lugar" (uma prática) de experimentação, teorização e sistematização de ferramentas criativas de conhecimento incorporado e de pesquisa-baseada-na-prática, aliando práticas situadas de dança, performance e ativismo.
Program for interchanges between LabCrítica's Research Group and guest artists, researchers, activists, and other partner entities. In the Shared Residencies, participants unfold their current investigations and projects, mutually sharing their methodologies and collaborating each other with their works in process. From mutual cooperation, we seek here a "building-place" (a practice) for experimentation, theorization and systematization of creative tools of embodied knowledge and research-based-in-practice, combining situated practices of dance, performance and activism.
Program for interchanges between LabCrítica's Research Group and guest artists, researchers, activists, and other partner entities. In the Shared Residencies, participants unfold their current investigations and projects, mutually sharing their methodologies and collaborating each other with their works in process. From mutual cooperation, we seek here a "building-place" (a practice) for experimentation, theorization and systematization of creative tools of embodied knowledge and research-based-in-practice, combining situated practices of dance, performance and activism.