Archives of Immersions

Trans-in-corporados 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut viverra odio. Donec et dictum magna, sed dictum mi. Quisque nec dui a enim ornare semper. Fusce at risus metus. Cras mauris felis, pharetra eget egestas non, varius et urna. Donec condimentum interdum ante quis mollis. Integer tempor erat ligula, ut fermentum quam blandit quis.


Exchange between LabCrítica and Festival Panorama, which promotes a period of immersion in the activities offered by the festival. Each year, the action offers 20 positions to the general public. Under the orientation of the professors attached to GP LabCrítica and other invited ones, the immersions count with a specific schedule of workshops, readings, short-term […]