AUGUST 6-22, 2018
- AUG 6-22
- AUG 23
- aUg 24
- aUg 25
1h30PM – 4h30PM
Escola do Olhar do MAR
Course/ residence
Hemi Network Course | 60h | Summer 2018
Offered by LabCrítica to Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Network
Lidia Larangeira and Sérgio Andrade (Brazil)
LabCrítica – UFRJ
Artists in residence:
Julian Blaue (Germany/ Norway) and Mariana Lemos (Brazil/ Portugal)
Ana Chávez (NYU – USA), Ana Eugênia (UFRJ – Brazil), Artur Dória (UFPA – Brazil), Bruna Goveia (UFRJ – Brazil), Carolina Natal Duarte (Brazil), Diogo de Almeida (UFRJ – Brazil), Elena Bajo (Spain), Fabiana Amaral (UFRJ – Brazil), Mariana Valverde (UFRJ – Brazil), Nádia Oliveira (UFRJ - Brazil), Paula Peregrina (UFRJ – Brazil), Regina Díaz (Science Po – France), Silvia Chalub (LabCrítica/UFRJ – Brazil), Shalon Weber (York University – Canada) e Thaís Chilinque (UFRJ – Brazil)
Escola do Olhar do MAR
Course/ residence
Hemi Network Course | 60h | Summer 2018
Offered by LabCrítica to Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Network
Lidia Larangeira and Sérgio Andrade (Brazil)
LabCrítica – UFRJ
Artists in residence:
Julian Blaue (Germany/ Norway) and Mariana Lemos (Brazil/ Portugal)
Ana Chávez (NYU – USA), Ana Eugênia (UFRJ – Brazil), Artur Dória (UFPA – Brazil), Bruna Goveia (UFRJ – Brazil), Carolina Natal Duarte (Brazil), Diogo de Almeida (UFRJ – Brazil), Elena Bajo (Spain), Fabiana Amaral (UFRJ – Brazil), Mariana Valverde (UFRJ – Brazil), Nádia Oliveira (UFRJ - Brazil), Paula Peregrina (UFRJ – Brazil), Regina Díaz (Science Po – France), Silvia Chalub (LabCrítica/UFRJ – Brazil), Shalon Weber (York University – Canada) e Thaís Chilinque (UFRJ – Brazil)
AUGUST 23, 2018
9h00AM – 4h00PM
MAR Exhibition Pavilion
Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda (Rio de Janeiro)
Mauá Square
Quando Marte era habitado por índios ou peixes radioativos
Tulipa Magalhães, Tupiniqueer and W!¡l (Fortaleza)
Trans-In-Corporados Opening >>
Welcome: Lígia Tourinho, Maria Inês Galvão e Sérgio Andrade (Organizing Committee, LabCrítica & PPGDan – UFRJ), Angela Brêtas (Director, EEFD - UFRJ) Amanda Bonan (Curatorship Coordination, Museu de Arte do Rio), and Nayse López (Director, Festival Panorama)
Keynote lectures
State, violence and gender >>
Bernat Tort, Universidad de Puerto Rico – Puerto Rico
Regina José Galindo, Antigua – Guatemala
Prof. Dr. Cesar Barros
Latin American and Caribbean Studies, State University of New York – USA
Note: the lectures will be delivered in Spanish, with simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
Dance with me
Élle de Bernadini (Santa Maria)
MAR Exhibition Pavilion
Stop m2 + g
Letícia Barbosa (Recife)
Natã Ferreira (Natal)
Mauá Square
Mar (uma dança com o vento)
Marina Guzzo (São Paulo)
Rio Branco Ave.
Tratados em ocasião II
Daniel Santiso and Max Willa Morais (Rio de Janeiro)
Break for lunch
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Escola do Olhar do Museu de Arte do Rio
Panels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Open Space A
Room 2.1
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 1 – Occupation, resistance and right to the city
Presentations in Portuguese: Abrindo horizontes sobre o que é negado: práticas estéticas enquanto produção de gestos poético-políticos – Ana Isabel Monteiro, PhD Student of Artistic Studies, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) // Corpo, participação e risco na performance na cidade – Prof. Dr. André Carreira, PROF-ARTES and PPGT, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Brazil) // Direito à cidade e movimentos (sociais): espetáculo, coreografia ou luta de classes na cidade? Experimentações teóricas entre os estudos de performance e urbanismo – Prof. Dr. Claudio Rezende, PROURB, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Jacyan Castilho (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 2.2
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 2 – Politics of sensitivity: somatic practices and urban intervention
Presentations in Portuguese: Performar luto em luta: criação de um corpo-levante – Prof. Dr. Ruth Torralba, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Uma Política da Escuta: eco-feminismo, práticas somáticas e o corpo-campo-coletivo – Prof. Dr. Patrícia Caetano, PPGArtes, Universidade Federal do Ceará (Brazil) // A dor como plano de experimentação e de contágio somático-performativo – Prof. Dr. Catarina Resende, Department of Psychology, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Pacheco (UFF/ Brazil)
Room 3.1
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 3 – Fissures of the spaces of representation
Presentations in Portuguese: BICHICE: ética, estética e epistemologia da ruína – Anderson Luiz do Carmo, PhD Student of Theater, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Brazil) // A in(visibilidade) do corpo negro no balé clássico na cidade de Salvador: o caso do bailarino Nielson Souza, da São Paulo Cia de Dança – Gleidison Oliveira da Anunciação, MA Student of Dance, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil) // (Trans)latinoamérica: a presença queer na américa latina – Haroldo André Garcia de Oliveira, PhD Student of Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mônica da Costa (DAC – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 3.2
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 4 – Alterities of/in the body
Presentations in Portuguese, English and Spanish: Choreographies of Disencounter: Friendship and Exile – Lucas Girino (Brasil) and Joanna Evans (South Africa), PhD Students of Performance Studies, New York University (USA) // The Fiction of the Body – Zohar Frank, PhD Candidate of Performance Studies, Brown University (USA) // Presencia sensorial. Tiempo físico y digital maya en el cuerpo de Benvenuto Chavajay/Doroteo Guamuch – María Victoria Véliz Flores (Cuba), PhD Candidate of Modern Languages, Miami University (USA).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Felipe Ribeiro (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 3.3
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 5 – Transgression, image and body
Presentations in Portuguese: Por uma episteme da nudez: composições estéticas de um corpo insubordinado – Prof. Dr. Larissa Ferreira, Instituto Federal de Brasília (Brazil) // Ensaios sobre o corpo exposto – Prof. Dr. Mariana de Rosa Trotta, Departamento de Arte Corporal, PPGDan, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Pistas para um ensino/aprendizagem em videoperformance – Ronildo Júnior Ferreira Nobrega, MA Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal do Rio de Grande do Norte (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Gilsamara Moura (PPGDança – UFBA/ Brazil)
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Open Space A – Politic body and minorities
Presentations in Portuguese: Eu, você, elas, nós – Andrea Pech, MA Student of Arts, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Cárceres libertários: Performance e Direitos Humanos em Instituições Prisionais – Christina Gontijo Fornaciari, Breno Nogueira, Nailanita Prette, Rebeca Lima e Theo Cunha, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (Brazil) // "Sissy" – o direito ao corpo político de Nando Messias – Julia Baker Valls Pereira, MA in History, Politics and Cultural Goods, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil)// Trans-Abraço: exercícios de experimentação para uma dança de salão queer – Paola de Vasconcelos Silveira, PhD Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mabel Bottelli (DAC – UFRJ/ Brazil)
4h00PM – 4h30PM
Coffee-break >>
Artistic experiments >>
Mogno e mais
Corpos Informáticos (Brasília and Rio de Janeiro)
Performance, diaspora and documentary >>
26min. | Language: Portuguese | Subtitles: French
Director: Ana Pi (France/ Brazil)
36min. | Language: Portuguese
Director: Zeca Ligiero (Brazil)
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Damasceno (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Note: exhibition of documentaries and debate with the directors, with simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
6h00PM – 7h30PM
Celebration >>
Artistic Experiments >>
Transvestir – a travestilidade e a performatividade do gesto*
Idris Bahia and Victor Oliveira (Rio de Janeiro)
Fábio Salvatti (Florianópolis)
*the performance contains nudity
MAR Exhibition Pavilion
Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda (Rio de Janeiro)
Mauá Square
Quando Marte era habitado por índios ou peixes radioativos
Tulipa Magalhães, Tupiniqueer and W!¡l (Fortaleza)
Trans-In-Corporados Opening >>
Welcome: Lígia Tourinho, Maria Inês Galvão e Sérgio Andrade (Organizing Committee, LabCrítica & PPGDan – UFRJ), Angela Brêtas (Director, EEFD - UFRJ) Amanda Bonan (Curatorship Coordination, Museu de Arte do Rio), and Nayse López (Director, Festival Panorama)
Keynote lectures
State, violence and gender >>
Bernat Tort, Universidad de Puerto Rico – Puerto Rico
Regina José Galindo, Antigua – Guatemala
Prof. Dr. Cesar Barros
Latin American and Caribbean Studies, State University of New York – USA
Note: the lectures will be delivered in Spanish, with simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
Dance with me
Élle de Bernadini (Santa Maria)
MAR Exhibition Pavilion
Stop m2 + g
Letícia Barbosa (Recife)
Natã Ferreira (Natal)
Mauá Square
Mar (uma dança com o vento)
Marina Guzzo (São Paulo)
Rio Branco Ave.
Tratados em ocasião II
Daniel Santiso and Max Willa Morais (Rio de Janeiro)
Break for lunch
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Escola do Olhar do Museu de Arte do Rio
Panels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Open Space A
Room 2.1
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 1 – Occupation, resistance and right to the city
Presentations in Portuguese: Abrindo horizontes sobre o que é negado: práticas estéticas enquanto produção de gestos poético-políticos – Ana Isabel Monteiro, PhD Student of Artistic Studies, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) // Corpo, participação e risco na performance na cidade – Prof. Dr. André Carreira, PROF-ARTES and PPGT, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Brazil) // Direito à cidade e movimentos (sociais): espetáculo, coreografia ou luta de classes na cidade? Experimentações teóricas entre os estudos de performance e urbanismo – Prof. Dr. Claudio Rezende, PROURB, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Jacyan Castilho (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 2.2
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 2 – Politics of sensitivity: somatic practices and urban intervention
Presentations in Portuguese: Performar luto em luta: criação de um corpo-levante – Prof. Dr. Ruth Torralba, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Uma Política da Escuta: eco-feminismo, práticas somáticas e o corpo-campo-coletivo – Prof. Dr. Patrícia Caetano, PPGArtes, Universidade Federal do Ceará (Brazil) // A dor como plano de experimentação e de contágio somático-performativo – Prof. Dr. Catarina Resende, Department of Psychology, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Pacheco (UFF/ Brazil)
Room 3.1
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 3 – Fissures of the spaces of representation
Presentations in Portuguese: BICHICE: ética, estética e epistemologia da ruína – Anderson Luiz do Carmo, PhD Student of Theater, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Brazil) // A in(visibilidade) do corpo negro no balé clássico na cidade de Salvador: o caso do bailarino Nielson Souza, da São Paulo Cia de Dança – Gleidison Oliveira da Anunciação, MA Student of Dance, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil) // (Trans)latinoamérica: a presença queer na américa latina – Haroldo André Garcia de Oliveira, PhD Student of Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mônica da Costa (DAC – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 3.2
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 4 – Alterities of/in the body
Presentations in Portuguese, English and Spanish: Choreographies of Disencounter: Friendship and Exile – Lucas Girino (Brasil) and Joanna Evans (South Africa), PhD Students of Performance Studies, New York University (USA) // The Fiction of the Body – Zohar Frank, PhD Candidate of Performance Studies, Brown University (USA) // Presencia sensorial. Tiempo físico y digital maya en el cuerpo de Benvenuto Chavajay/Doroteo Guamuch – María Victoria Véliz Flores (Cuba), PhD Candidate of Modern Languages, Miami University (USA).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Felipe Ribeiro (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 3.3
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Panel 5 – Transgression, image and body
Presentations in Portuguese: Por uma episteme da nudez: composições estéticas de um corpo insubordinado – Prof. Dr. Larissa Ferreira, Instituto Federal de Brasília (Brazil) // Ensaios sobre o corpo exposto – Prof. Dr. Mariana de Rosa Trotta, Departamento de Arte Corporal, PPGDan, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Pistas para um ensino/aprendizagem em videoperformance – Ronildo Júnior Ferreira Nobrega, MA Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal do Rio de Grande do Norte (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Gilsamara Moura (PPGDança – UFBA/ Brazil)
2h30PM – 4h00PM
Open Space A – Politic body and minorities
Presentations in Portuguese: Eu, você, elas, nós – Andrea Pech, MA Student of Arts, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Cárceres libertários: Performance e Direitos Humanos em Instituições Prisionais – Christina Gontijo Fornaciari, Breno Nogueira, Nailanita Prette, Rebeca Lima e Theo Cunha, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (Brazil) // "Sissy" – o direito ao corpo político de Nando Messias – Julia Baker Valls Pereira, MA in History, Politics and Cultural Goods, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil)// Trans-Abraço: exercícios de experimentação para uma dança de salão queer – Paola de Vasconcelos Silveira, PhD Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mabel Bottelli (DAC – UFRJ/ Brazil)
4h00PM – 4h30PM
Coffee-break >>
Artistic experiments >>
Mogno e mais
Corpos Informáticos (Brasília and Rio de Janeiro)
Performance, diaspora and documentary >>
26min. | Language: Portuguese | Subtitles: French
Director: Ana Pi (France/ Brazil)
36min. | Language: Portuguese
Director: Zeca Ligiero (Brazil)
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Damasceno (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Note: exhibition of documentaries and debate with the directors, with simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
6h00PM – 7h30PM
Celebration >>
Artistic Experiments >>
Transvestir – a travestilidade e a performatividade do gesto*
Idris Bahia and Victor Oliveira (Rio de Janeiro)
Fábio Salvatti (Florianópolis)
*the performance contains nudity
AUGUST 24, 2018
9h00AM – 4h00PM
9h30AM – 11h00AM
Escola do Olhar do Museu de Arte do Rio
Panels 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
Open Space B
Room 2.1
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Panel 6 – Body experiments in the city
Presentations in Portuguese: Corpos Informáticos: participação, performance, política e fracasso – Prof. Dr. Maria Beatriz de Medeiros (Bia Medeiros), Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) // Currículo da Cidade com a Arte: sobre movimentos, conexões, saberes e acontecimentos disparados pelas 'performances queer' nas/das ruas de Belo Horizonte – Glaucia Carneiro, PhD Student of Education, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil) // Fazer filosofia com o corpo na rua: experimentações em resistência – Prof. Dr. Renata Pereira Lima Aspis, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Isabela Buarque (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 2.2
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Panel 7 – Marginal Compositions in the Contemporary Scene
Presentations in Portuguese: Linha Branca: investigações do programa performativo – Pablo Roberto Vieira Ferreira, Mestrando em Artes Cênicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) // Metodologia trans-escénica e imaginario post colonial en búsqueda de la libertad sexual de la propuesta artística chilena ORGIOLOGIA – Ernesto Orellana Gómez, Professor de Teatro, Facultad de Artes Universidad Mayor (Chile); e Paula Sacur Muñoz, Mestranda em Dança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil)// A transdisciplinaridade de uma dança suja: apontamentos para a mise-en-scène marginal – Tiago Amate, Mestrando em Dança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Fábio Salvatti (UFSC/ Brazil)
Room 3.1
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Painel 8 – Somatic and pedagogies of difference
Presentations in Portuguese: PenerAreia: Uma performance compartilhada com crianças – Rita Tatiana Gualberto de Almeida, MA Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) // Sentir o invisível, a metodologia Angel Vianna nas práticas não excludentes para pessoas com deficiência intelectual – Prof. Dr. Cida Donato, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Corpos em resistência: um laboratório sensoriomotor – Prof. Dr. Cecília de Lima H. G. Teixeira, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (Portugal)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Joana Ribeiro (PPGAC – UNIRIO/ Brazil)
Room 3.2
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Painel 9 – History and Dance in Rio de Janeiro: reflections on (r)existance on time
Presentations in Portuguese: Dança e resistência – caminhos para reflexão – Prof. Dr. Fabiana Amaral, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Memórias da Dança Afrobrasileira –Prof. Waleska Britto, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Conhecer a história é um modo de (r)existir? – Prof. Maria Alice Motta, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).Moderator: Prof. Dr. Marcus Machado (DAC – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 3.3
09h30AM – 11h00PM
Panel 10 – Performativities of fighting
Presentations in Portuguese and English: Haptic Tactic: hyper-tenderness for the [Mexican] state and the performances of Lia García – Cynthia Citlallin Delgado Huitrón, PhD Student of Performance Studies, New York University (USA) // Performance e suspensão durante o impeachment de 2016 – Bianca Andrade Tinoco, PhD Student of Arts, Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) // The Personal encounter with world politics - autobiographism in lecture performances: an anti-capitalist strategy? – Julian Blaue, PhD Student of Art in Context, University of Agder (Norway)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Cesar Barros (SUNY/ USA)
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Open Space B – Body, performance and city
Presentations in Portuguese: Tríptico-reação: Coreopolítica e coreopolícia em três momentos de ocupação da Praça de Bolívar de Bogotá diante dos resultados do plebiscito pela paz na Colômbia – Jenny Fonseca Tovar, PhD Student of Visual Arts, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) // Se(RE)sistir – o papel do outro em mim. A prática da deriva como configuração artística na dança – Sylvia Carolina Silva Aragão Caetano, Escola de Dança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil) // Corpo/Performance/Cidade: uma investigação da ação cênico-performativa “Fragmentos de Corpos Urbanos” – Prof. Ariane Guerra Barros, Department of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (Brazil) // Radar 1: experiências performativas entre a rua e a universidade – Prof. Dr. Líria de Araújo Morais and Prof. Dr. Candice Didonet, Department of Dance and Performing Arts, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Lara Seidler (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
11h00AM – 11h30AM
Coffee-break >>
Artistic experiments >>
Hidrat(ação) mental ou banho de leite
Sandra Bonomini (Rio de Janeiro)
MAR Exhibition Pavilion
Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda (Rio de Janeiro)
*during all day long, throughout the museum
Prof. Lilliam Chacón – Dean of Facultad de Arte Danzario (Cuba); Prof. Dr. Lucía Naser – Professor of Dance Undergraduate Course at Universidade de la Republica (Uruguay); Prof. Dr. Antrifo Sanches – Coordinator of Distance Education BA in Dance, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil); and Prof. Dr. Isabel Marques, Instituto Caleidos (Brazil)
Prof. Dr. Isabel Marques, Instituto Caleidos – Brazil
Note: simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
1h00PM – 3h30PM
Port Zone of Rio de Janeiro City
Lunch >>
Artistic experiments >>
Mauá Square
Paisagens Inter-urbanas
Coletivo Líquida Ação (Rio de Janeiro)
Largo da Prainha
Algo tão doce
Flora Bulcão (Rio de Janeiro)
1h00PM – 2h00PM
Break for lunch
Rio Branco Ave.
Caminhada somático-performativa por Marielle(s)
Coletivo Provisório (Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, Caruaru and João Pessoa)
Pilotis / Mauá Square
Um corpo em estado de espreita (virar bicho)
Joubert Arrais (Juazeiro do Norte)
MAR’s Exhibition Pavilion -
Sala de Encontros (ground floor)
Do requebrado ao reverberatório
Christiane Lopes da Cunha (Niterói)
Keynote lectures
Somatic, hospitality and micro-politics >>
Emma Meehan
Center for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University – United Kingdom
Regina Miranda
Laban/Barternieff Institute of Movement Studies, LIMS NYC – USA
Prof. Dr. Maria Alice Poppe
Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Note: the keynote lectures will be delivery in English and Portugues, with simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
Escola do Olhar - Room 3.3
Aqui é sempre outro lugar
Carolina Nóbrega (São Paulo)
Entre Pares*
Rafael Amorin (Rio de Janeiro)
Iamn (Rio de Janeiro)
*the performance contains nudity
9h30AM – 11h00AM
Escola do Olhar do Museu de Arte do Rio
Panels 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
Open Space B
Room 2.1
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Panel 6 – Body experiments in the city
Presentations in Portuguese: Corpos Informáticos: participação, performance, política e fracasso – Prof. Dr. Maria Beatriz de Medeiros (Bia Medeiros), Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) // Currículo da Cidade com a Arte: sobre movimentos, conexões, saberes e acontecimentos disparados pelas 'performances queer' nas/das ruas de Belo Horizonte – Glaucia Carneiro, PhD Student of Education, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil) // Fazer filosofia com o corpo na rua: experimentações em resistência – Prof. Dr. Renata Pereira Lima Aspis, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Isabela Buarque (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 2.2
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Panel 7 – Marginal Compositions in the Contemporary Scene
Presentations in Portuguese: Linha Branca: investigações do programa performativo – Pablo Roberto Vieira Ferreira, Mestrando em Artes Cênicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) // Metodologia trans-escénica e imaginario post colonial en búsqueda de la libertad sexual de la propuesta artística chilena ORGIOLOGIA – Ernesto Orellana Gómez, Professor de Teatro, Facultad de Artes Universidad Mayor (Chile); e Paula Sacur Muñoz, Mestranda em Dança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil)// A transdisciplinaridade de uma dança suja: apontamentos para a mise-en-scène marginal – Tiago Amate, Mestrando em Dança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Fábio Salvatti (UFSC/ Brazil)
Room 3.1
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Painel 8 – Somatic and pedagogies of difference
Presentations in Portuguese: PenerAreia: Uma performance compartilhada com crianças – Rita Tatiana Gualberto de Almeida, MA Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) // Sentir o invisível, a metodologia Angel Vianna nas práticas não excludentes para pessoas com deficiência intelectual – Prof. Dr. Cida Donato, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Corpos em resistência: um laboratório sensoriomotor – Prof. Dr. Cecília de Lima H. G. Teixeira, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (Portugal)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Joana Ribeiro (PPGAC – UNIRIO/ Brazil)
Room 3.2
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Painel 9 – History and Dance in Rio de Janeiro: reflections on (r)existance on time
Presentations in Portuguese: Dança e resistência – caminhos para reflexão – Prof. Dr. Fabiana Amaral, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Memórias da Dança Afrobrasileira –Prof. Waleska Britto, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Conhecer a história é um modo de (r)existir? – Prof. Maria Alice Motta, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).Moderator: Prof. Dr. Marcus Machado (DAC – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 3.3
09h30AM – 11h00PM
Panel 10 – Performativities of fighting
Presentations in Portuguese and English: Haptic Tactic: hyper-tenderness for the [Mexican] state and the performances of Lia García – Cynthia Citlallin Delgado Huitrón, PhD Student of Performance Studies, New York University (USA) // Performance e suspensão durante o impeachment de 2016 – Bianca Andrade Tinoco, PhD Student of Arts, Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) // The Personal encounter with world politics - autobiographism in lecture performances: an anti-capitalist strategy? – Julian Blaue, PhD Student of Art in Context, University of Agder (Norway)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Cesar Barros (SUNY/ USA)
09h30AM – 11h00AM
Open Space B – Body, performance and city
Presentations in Portuguese: Tríptico-reação: Coreopolítica e coreopolícia em três momentos de ocupação da Praça de Bolívar de Bogotá diante dos resultados do plebiscito pela paz na Colômbia – Jenny Fonseca Tovar, PhD Student of Visual Arts, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) // Se(RE)sistir – o papel do outro em mim. A prática da deriva como configuração artística na dança – Sylvia Carolina Silva Aragão Caetano, Escola de Dança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil) // Corpo/Performance/Cidade: uma investigação da ação cênico-performativa “Fragmentos de Corpos Urbanos” – Prof. Ariane Guerra Barros, Department of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (Brazil) // Radar 1: experiências performativas entre a rua e a universidade – Prof. Dr. Líria de Araújo Morais and Prof. Dr. Candice Didonet, Department of Dance and Performing Arts, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Lara Seidler (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
11h00AM – 11h30AM
Coffee-break >>
Artistic experiments >>
Hidrat(ação) mental ou banho de leite
Sandra Bonomini (Rio de Janeiro)
MAR Exhibition Pavilion
Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda (Rio de Janeiro)
*during all day long, throughout the museum
Prof. Lilliam Chacón – Dean of Facultad de Arte Danzario (Cuba); Prof. Dr. Lucía Naser – Professor of Dance Undergraduate Course at Universidade de la Republica (Uruguay); Prof. Dr. Antrifo Sanches – Coordinator of Distance Education BA in Dance, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil); and Prof. Dr. Isabel Marques, Instituto Caleidos (Brazil)
Prof. Dr. Isabel Marques, Instituto Caleidos – Brazil
Note: simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
1h00PM – 3h30PM
Port Zone of Rio de Janeiro City
Lunch >>
Artistic experiments >>
Mauá Square
Paisagens Inter-urbanas
Coletivo Líquida Ação (Rio de Janeiro)
Largo da Prainha
Algo tão doce
Flora Bulcão (Rio de Janeiro)
1h00PM – 2h00PM
Break for lunch
Rio Branco Ave.
Caminhada somático-performativa por Marielle(s)
Coletivo Provisório (Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, Caruaru and João Pessoa)
Pilotis / Mauá Square
Um corpo em estado de espreita (virar bicho)
Joubert Arrais (Juazeiro do Norte)
MAR’s Exhibition Pavilion -
Sala de Encontros (ground floor)
Do requebrado ao reverberatório
Christiane Lopes da Cunha (Niterói)
Keynote lectures
Somatic, hospitality and micro-politics >>
Emma Meehan
Center for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University – United Kingdom
Regina Miranda
Laban/Barternieff Institute of Movement Studies, LIMS NYC – USA
Prof. Dr. Maria Alice Poppe
Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Note: the keynote lectures will be delivery in English and Portugues, with simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
Escola do Olhar - Room 3.3
Aqui é sempre outro lugar
Carolina Nóbrega (São Paulo)
Entre Pares*
Rafael Amorin (Rio de Janeiro)
Iamn (Rio de Janeiro)
*the performance contains nudity
AUGUST 25, 2018
9h00AM – 4h00PM
9h00AM – 10h30AM
Escola do Olhar do Museu de Arte do Rio
Panels 11, 12, 13 and 14
Open Space C
Room 2.1
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Panel 11 – Textualities and speech acts
Presentations in Portuguese: Desocupa! – Prof. Bárbara Conceição Santos da Silva, Department of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brazil) // Dança com a crítica: escritas performativas – Prof. Dr. Joubert de Albuquerque Arrais, Instituto Interdisciplinar de Sociedade, Cultura e Arte, Universidade Federal do Cariri, e PPGDança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brasil)// Carta para Judith Butler: performar as marcas – Flávia Naves de Oliveira Santos, PhD Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Igor Fagundes (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 2.2
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Panel 12 – Anarchism, poetic terrorism and circuits of affection
Presentations in Portuguese and Spanish: O papel da dança nos tempos de agora: materialidades biopolíticas e a urgência de novos circuitos de afeto – Prof. Dr. Márcia Virgínia Mignac da Silva, Escola de Dança, PPGDança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil) // Reconectar la poesía al cuerpo: poéticas posanarquistas en Clean Room de Juan Domínguez – Diana Delgado-Ureña, PhD Student of Philosophy and Languages, Universidad Zaragoza (Spain) // Sub-versão dos fatos: arte, crime e política – Mariana Ramos Soüb de Seixas Brites (Alla Soüb), PhD Student of Contemporary Poetics, Universidade de Brasília (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Lucía Naser (UdeLaR/ Uruguay)
Room 3.1
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Panel 13 – Pedagogies of the body and university education
Presentations in Portuguese and Spanish: Corpo à mostra – uma pedagogia do corpo que atravessa as Mostras de Teatro da UFRJ – Prof. Dr. Jacyan Castilho, PPGDan, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Bricolagem das metodologias etnografia e autoetnografia nas pesquisas em Dança – Prof. Dr. Luciane Moreau Coccaro, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Ana Carolina Navarro, BA Student of Dança, UFRJ (Brazil); and Thaisa Martins Coelho dos Santos – BA Student of Theory of Dance, UFRJ (Brazil) // La Performance en la Educación Superior Pública en Bogotá, alcances y retos pedagógicos. Una mirada interdisciplinar desde las Artes Visuales y las Artes Escénicas – Prof. Dr. Andrea Aguia Agudelo and Prof. Dr. Eloisa Jaramillo, Professors of Visual Arts, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Daniela Amoroso (PPGDança – UFBA/ Brazil)
Room 3.2
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Panel 14 – Body, dance and feminism
Presentations in Portuguese: NinhoCasa(H)era – Prof. Dr. Gilsamara Moura, Escola de Dança, PPGDança and PPGAC, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil)// Corpos presentes: imagem e performance nas lutas feministas – Olga da Costa Lima Wanderley, PhD Student of Comunication, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Brazil) // Arte gestante, subversión de las maternidades: Placenteras Danzantes – Dr. Lucrecia Raquel Greco, Visiting Scholar, Escola de Dança, Universidade Federal da Bahia; and Dr. Paulina Dagnino Ojeda, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mariana Trotta (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 3.3
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Open Space C – Composition and methodologies of artistic process
Presentations in Portuguese: Entre a capoeira e outras danças afrodiaspóricas: tensionamentos para repensar a improvisação e a dramaturgia na dança – Prof. Gabriela Santos Cavalcante Santana, Professor of Dance at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, PhD Student of Performing Arts at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Sobre o que me dedico, há muito tempo: a partir de breves anotações feitas pela monitora – Prof. Letícia Pereira Teixeira, Professor of Dance, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Sambando em Estado de Ritmo: Pisar, Pulsar, Vibrar – Christiane Lopes da Cunha, MA Student of Contemporary Studies in Arts, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil) // Precariedade como estratégia de composição colaborativa – Tiago Nogueira Ribeiro, PhD Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Marina Elias (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
10h30AM – 10h50AM
Debate >>
Marcial Godoy-Anativia, Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics (USA); Eugenio Chavez, Festival Havana Vieja (Cuba); and Sérgio Andrade, Trans-In-Corporados (Brazil)
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Andrade (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Come out to play
Eleonora Artysenk and Lucas Fonseca (Santos and Duque de Caxias)
Varanda Carioca
Cualquiera! La venganza del Huevo en la Esperanza del Amor
Cualquiera! (Salvador)
MAR Exhibition Pavilion
Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda (Rio de Janeiro)
*during all day long, throughout the museum
Bocas Famintas
Rosa de Sangue Movimento Artístico (Rio de Janeiro)
1h20PM – 2h20PM
Break for lunch
Mauá Square
Manaus: eles estão bem mortos
Coletivo Performa Direito (Viçosa)
Room 3.3 (Escola do Olhar do MAR)
The Personal Encounter with World Politics – The interim report
Julian Blaue & Edy Poppy (Oslo and Berlin)
Publication releases
Trans-In-Corporados 2017
Editors: Sérgio Andrade and Silvia Chalub (LabCrítica Ed.)
Revista Espaço
Editor: Felipe Ribeiro
Keynote lectures
Democracy on fire >>
Susanne Foellmer
Center for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University – United Kingdom
Charles Feitosa
Performing Arts Graduate Program, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Brasil
Marcial Godoy-Anativia
Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics – USA
Note: the keynote lectures will be delivered in English and Portuguese, with simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
Closing remarks
Omolokum (Pedra do Sal)
Closing Party
9h00AM – 10h30AM
Escola do Olhar do Museu de Arte do Rio
Panels 11, 12, 13 and 14
Open Space C
Room 2.1
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Panel 11 – Textualities and speech acts
Presentations in Portuguese: Desocupa! – Prof. Bárbara Conceição Santos da Silva, Department of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brazil) // Dança com a crítica: escritas performativas – Prof. Dr. Joubert de Albuquerque Arrais, Instituto Interdisciplinar de Sociedade, Cultura e Arte, Universidade Federal do Cariri, e PPGDança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brasil)// Carta para Judith Butler: performar as marcas – Flávia Naves de Oliveira Santos, PhD Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Igor Fagundes (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 2.2
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Panel 12 – Anarchism, poetic terrorism and circuits of affection
Presentations in Portuguese and Spanish: O papel da dança nos tempos de agora: materialidades biopolíticas e a urgência de novos circuitos de afeto – Prof. Dr. Márcia Virgínia Mignac da Silva, Escola de Dança, PPGDança, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil) // Reconectar la poesía al cuerpo: poéticas posanarquistas en Clean Room de Juan Domínguez – Diana Delgado-Ureña, PhD Student of Philosophy and Languages, Universidad Zaragoza (Spain) // Sub-versão dos fatos: arte, crime e política – Mariana Ramos Soüb de Seixas Brites (Alla Soüb), PhD Student of Contemporary Poetics, Universidade de Brasília (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Lucía Naser (UdeLaR/ Uruguay)
Room 3.1
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Panel 13 – Pedagogies of the body and university education
Presentations in Portuguese and Spanish: Corpo à mostra – uma pedagogia do corpo que atravessa as Mostras de Teatro da UFRJ – Prof. Dr. Jacyan Castilho, PPGDan, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Bricolagem das metodologias etnografia e autoetnografia nas pesquisas em Dança – Prof. Dr. Luciane Moreau Coccaro, Departamento de Arte Corporal, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Ana Carolina Navarro, BA Student of Dança, UFRJ (Brazil); and Thaisa Martins Coelho dos Santos – BA Student of Theory of Dance, UFRJ (Brazil) // La Performance en la Educación Superior Pública en Bogotá, alcances y retos pedagógicos. Una mirada interdisciplinar desde las Artes Visuales y las Artes Escénicas – Prof. Dr. Andrea Aguia Agudelo and Prof. Dr. Eloisa Jaramillo, Professors of Visual Arts, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Daniela Amoroso (PPGDança – UFBA/ Brazil)
Room 3.2
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Panel 14 – Body, dance and feminism
Presentations in Portuguese: NinhoCasa(H)era – Prof. Dr. Gilsamara Moura, Escola de Dança, PPGDança and PPGAC, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil)// Corpos presentes: imagem e performance nas lutas feministas – Olga da Costa Lima Wanderley, PhD Student of Comunication, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Brazil) // Arte gestante, subversión de las maternidades: Placenteras Danzantes – Dr. Lucrecia Raquel Greco, Visiting Scholar, Escola de Dança, Universidade Federal da Bahia; and Dr. Paulina Dagnino Ojeda, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mariana Trotta (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Room 3.3
09h00AM – 10h30AM
Open Space C – Composition and methodologies of artistic process
Presentations in Portuguese: Entre a capoeira e outras danças afrodiaspóricas: tensionamentos para repensar a improvisação e a dramaturgia na dança – Prof. Gabriela Santos Cavalcante Santana, Professor of Dance at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, PhD Student of Performing Arts at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Sobre o que me dedico, há muito tempo: a partir de breves anotações feitas pela monitora – Prof. Letícia Pereira Teixeira, Professor of Dance, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) // Sambando em Estado de Ritmo: Pisar, Pulsar, Vibrar – Christiane Lopes da Cunha, MA Student of Contemporary Studies in Arts, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil) // Precariedade como estratégia de composição colaborativa – Tiago Nogueira Ribeiro, PhD Student of Performing Arts, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil).
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Marina Elias (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
10h30AM – 10h50AM
Debate >>
Marcial Godoy-Anativia, Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics (USA); Eugenio Chavez, Festival Havana Vieja (Cuba); and Sérgio Andrade, Trans-In-Corporados (Brazil)
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Andrade (PPGDan – UFRJ/ Brazil)
Come out to play
Eleonora Artysenk and Lucas Fonseca (Santos and Duque de Caxias)
Varanda Carioca
Cualquiera! La venganza del Huevo en la Esperanza del Amor
Cualquiera! (Salvador)
MAR Exhibition Pavilion
Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda (Rio de Janeiro)
*during all day long, throughout the museum
Bocas Famintas
Rosa de Sangue Movimento Artístico (Rio de Janeiro)
1h20PM – 2h20PM
Break for lunch
Mauá Square
Manaus: eles estão bem mortos
Coletivo Performa Direito (Viçosa)
Room 3.3 (Escola do Olhar do MAR)
The Personal Encounter with World Politics – The interim report
Julian Blaue & Edy Poppy (Oslo and Berlin)
Publication releases
Trans-In-Corporados 2017
Editors: Sérgio Andrade and Silvia Chalub (LabCrítica Ed.)
Revista Espaço
Editor: Felipe Ribeiro
Keynote lectures
Democracy on fire >>
Susanne Foellmer
Center for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University – United Kingdom
Charles Feitosa
Performing Arts Graduate Program, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Brasil
Marcial Godoy-Anativia
Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics – USA
Note: the keynote lectures will be delivered in English and Portuguese, with simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish
Closing remarks
Omolokum (Pedra do Sal)
Closing Party
2018 Book of Abstract
The 2nd Trans-In-Corporados: Building Networks for International Dance Research, international seminar, departs from the crossings between Dance Studies and Performance Studies, interrogating how both fields have responded to these times of crisis, desgoverno (misgovernment) and the ultra-conservative turns taking place in Brazil, the Global South and the world at large. Bringing scholars, artists, activists and students together, Trans-In-Corporados 2018 invites to think the ethics and politics of response and of the right to response in our corporal, artistic and academic practices. From 23rd up to 25th of August, it will be 3 days of conferences, courses/residencies, panels, debates, book releases, and a showcase of artistic experiments at the MAR and other locations of the port area of Rio de Janeiro.
Trans-In-Corporados 2018 is an initiative of Laboratorio de Crítica (LabCrítica) and Dance Graduate Program (PPGDan), of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). It is funded by Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and it has partnership with Museum of Art of Rio (MAR), Goethe-Institut and Panorama Festival. The Dance Graduate Program at Federal University of Bahia (PPGDança—UFBA) and the Coreographic Center of Rio de Janeiro are institutional collaborators of the event as well. Tran-In-Corporados 2018 is part of the calendar of events of the network of the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics.
Participants of Trans-In-Corporados 2018 are from various regions of Brazil and other 16 countries (South Africa, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, United States, France, Guatemala, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Portugal, United Kingdom and Uruguay).
In which ways our artistic and academic practices produce worlds through counter-attack, avoidance/subtraction, rebellion, interpellation, and forms of exchange, adhesion and solidarity? How can we respond to the current global and local crises, ultra-conservative turns, migratory policies, to the “legal coup” in Brazil, to the extermination of minorities and their representatives, to racism, class hatred and xenophobia? Which diagnostics and proposals have been provided by the different perspectives in dance and performance studies? How have these diagnostics been articulated inside the classroom, rehearsals, artistic experiments and out in the streets, when facing the current desgoverno (misgovernment / deterioration) of things? Which choreopolitics, speech-acts, and forms of organization have been effective in the activation of propositions, movilizations, and affects facing “these times”? How dance, performance, discourse, social struggles and action have articulated spaces of resistance and dissidence facing “these times”; spaces that not only respond to the language of reactionary power, but that also de-activate said language? Could pausing or stepping back in the face of “these times” enable us to produce new, alternative and/or radical gestures? How [Why/When] the urgency of political response has captured our efforts? How are we gathering strength and organizing, and how are we thinking the ethics of this responsibility?
From these thematic provocations, scholars and artists working in all areas, living in Brazil and abroad, will be able to submit proposals in dialogue with three axes: 1 - Performance and Performativity of Dance; 2 – Corpoartivism, social struggle and interfaces; and 3 – Contemporary Pedagogies. These axes will organize the interventions of scholars and artists previously selected by the scientific committee and the artistic curators of the event.
Trans-In-Corporados 2018 is a trilingual event (Portuguese, Englush, and Spanish) and proposals of speakers of “portunhol”, “portunglês” and other kinds of trans-linguitc-types are also welcome. Simultaneous translation will be provided at all main conferences and debates.
From these thematic provocations, scholars and artists working in all areas, living in Brazil and abroad, will be able to submit proposals in dialogue with three axes: 1 - Performance and Performativity of Dance; 2 – Corpoartivism, social struggle and interfaces; and 3 – Contemporary Pedagogies. These axes will organize the interventions of scholars and artists previously selected by the scientific committee and the artistic curators of the event.
Trans-In-Corporados 2018 is a trilingual event (Portuguese, Englush, and Spanish) and proposals of speakers of “portunhol”, “portunglês” and other kinds of trans-linguitc-types are also welcome. Simultaneous translation will be provided at all main conferences and debates.
Modalities of participation
a) Proposals
Papers (20-minute presentations, with or without performance illustrations or video) — In this category, PhD, masters, postgraduate students and artists with consolidated work (in the last 7 years) can participate. The scientific committee will regroup the related papers in panels with up to three proponents plus a mediator. Each panel will have 30 minutes of discussion with the audience. Proponents should fill out the formwith their personal information and an abstract of a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 600 words in Portuguese and a foreign language (Spanish or English). They should also send an updated curriculum vitae or a link to their most current curriculum lattes.
Panels – proposals of panels of up to three speakers, with or without performance illustrations or videos, plus a mediator (optional - the organizing committee may select a moderator). A maximum of 20 minutes for each speaker is recommended to allow 30 minutes for discussion with the audience. It is also recommended that at least two members of the panel are PhDs. The other participants may be students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and artists whose work relates to the research being presented. Proponents should fill out the formwith their personal information and abstracts of a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 600 words in Portuguese and a foreign language (Spanish or English). They should also send an updated curriculum vitae or a link to the current curriculum lattes of all the members of the panel.
Artistic Experiments (performances and interventions) – proposals for artistic interventions at the Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) and surrounding areas (Praça Mauá, Morro da Conceição and Praça de São Francisco). The format of the proposals (available areas, duration, equipment needed, etc.) should follow the specifications established by MAR and LabCrítica in the additional call [click here].
IMPORTANT: each proposal must select a debate axis, establishing relations between their contribution and the thematic provocations of the seminar.
b) Audience
People interested in following the seminar schedule without submitting a paper or a panel must be accredited for each day of the event (subject to space availability).
Papers (20-minute presentations, with or without performance illustrations or video) — In this category, PhD, masters, postgraduate students and artists with consolidated work (in the last 7 years) can participate. The scientific committee will regroup the related papers in panels with up to three proponents plus a mediator. Each panel will have 30 minutes of discussion with the audience. Proponents should fill out the form
Panels – proposals of panels of up to three speakers, with or without performance illustrations or videos, plus a mediator (optional - the organizing committee may select a moderator). A maximum of 20 minutes for each speaker is recommended to allow 30 minutes for discussion with the audience. It is also recommended that at least two members of the panel are PhDs. The other participants may be students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and artists whose work relates to the research being presented. Proponents should fill out the form
Artistic Experiments (performances and interventions) – proposals for artistic interventions at the Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) and surrounding areas (Praça Mauá, Morro da Conceição and Praça de São Francisco). The format of the proposals (available areas, duration, equipment needed, etc.) should follow the specifications established by MAR and LabCrítica in the additional call [click here].
b) Audience
People interested in following the seminar schedule without submitting a paper or a panel must be accredited for each day of the event (subject to space availability).
Debate Axes
I – Performance and Performativities of Dance: processes of creation and composition, interpretation and interpellation, experimental dramaturgies, practices of representation, quotation and iterability, and other reflections that focus on the body and the production of speech acts, combining diverse approaches (ethnographies, cartographies, critical theory, theories of gender and sexuality, philosophies of difference, etc.) that interrogate the notions of scene, event, dance and choreography;
II – Corpoartivism, social struggles and interfaces: contaminations between the body and political struggles, confrontations between democracy and human rights, somatic-epistemological research that thinks inter-subjectivity and the moving geopolitical body in tandem with technologies and other fields of science;
III – Contemporary Pedagogies: dance and performance pedagogical practices and processes, institutionalized or not, in formal and informal education settings. Dance-education and crossings between the fields of education and contemporary theories of the body.
II – Corpoartivism, social struggles and interfaces: contaminations between the body and political struggles, confrontations between democracy and human rights, somatic-epistemological research that thinks inter-subjectivity and the moving geopolitical body in tandem with technologies and other fields of science;
III – Contemporary Pedagogies: dance and performance pedagogical practices and processes, institutionalized or not, in formal and informal education settings. Dance-education and crossings between the fields of education and contemporary theories of the body.
Eletronic book – all participants will be invited to write expanded abstracts (15.000 characters maximum – only for proponents), reviews and critiques (max. 8.000 characters – for audiences) for a digital publication (e-ISBN) to be launched after the event. Photographs and other registers of the activities carried out in the seminar may also be submitted. The deadline for sending materials for publication is September 25th, 2018.
Participation Certificates
Certificates will be granted to those who participate in at least 75% of the activities of the event.
Submissions and deadlines
All submissions will be made through the following forms:
Submissions of papers and panels: March 20th to April 30th;
Submission for artistic experiments: April 6th to May 7th;
Result of all evaluations: up to May 22nd;
Deadline for submission of materials for publication: September 25th.
Submission for artistic experiments: April 6th to May 7th;
Result of all evaluations: up to May 22nd;
Deadline for submission of materials for publication: September 25th.
Suggested Voluntary Fee
The seminar Trans-In-Corporados: Building Networks for International Dance Research 2018 is a free event thank to the suppor of many partner institutions. Following this gesture, we are suggesting to the participants of the event a symbolic and voluntary fee to help to cover some of the production costs of the schedule:
i – accepted proponents may contribute a fee of R$70 (seventy reais);
ii – undergraduate students and audiences may contribute a fee of R $20 (twenty reais);
iii –we are suggesting that artists selected for the experiments at MAR to be exempted of payment.
The contribution IS NOT MANDATORY and can be done in a box available at the accreditation table of the event.
i – accepted proponents may contribute a fee of R$70 (seventy reais);
ii – undergraduate students and audiences may contribute a fee of R $20 (twenty reais);
iii –we are suggesting that artists selected for the experiments at MAR to be exempted of payment.
The contribution IS NOT MANDATORY and can be done in a box available at the accreditation table of the event.
Where and when
Location: Museu de Arte do Rio - Praça Mauá, 5, Centro. Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Dates: August 23, 24 and 25, 2018
Time: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Dates: August 23, 24 and 25, 2018
Time: 9:00am – 7:00pm
General Standards for Publishing
General Standards for Publishing
Sections of the paper:
For keynote lectures:
Title and abstract in the first language – up to 600 characters (with spaces); 3-5 keywords (first language); title and abstract in the second language – up to 600 characters (with spaces); 3-5 keywords (second language); text in Portuguese, English or Spanish – up to 30.000 characters (with spaces); references; author’s data - up to 300 characters;
Title and abstract in the first language – up to 600 characters (with spaces); 3-5 keywords (first language); title and abstract in the second language – up to 600 characters (with spaces); 3-5 keywords (second language); text in Portuguese, English or Spanish – up to 30.000 characters (with spaces); references; author’s data - up to 300 characters;
For papers:
Title and abstract in the first language – up to 600 characters (with spaces); 3-5 keywords (first language); title and abstract in the second language – up to 600 characters (with spaces); 3-5 keywords (second language); text in Portuguese, English or Spanish – up to 17.000 characters (with spaces); references; author’s data - up to 300 characters;
Title and abstract in the first language – up to 600 characters (with spaces); 3-5 keywords (first language); title and abstract in the second language – up to 600 characters (with spaces); 3-5 keywords (second language); text in Portuguese, English or Spanish – up to 17.000 characters (with spaces); references; author’s data - up to 300 characters;
For reviews of the artistic experiments and the event:
Title in the first and the second language; text in Portuguese, English or Spanish – up to 8.000 characters (with spaces); author’s data - up to 300 characters; Margins: 3 cm upper and left, 2 cm lower and right;
For all:
Font: Arial, size 12;
Spacing between lines: 1,5;
Quotations: follow the ABNT norms (in direct quotes of more than 3 lines apply indentation of 4 cm, font size 10 and spacing between simple lines);
Footer: preferably use only for notes (for reference calls, we recommend using the author-data system); References: follow ABNT standards (adopt titles in bold), which should already come in the appropriate format to follow through with the review.
Title in the first and the second language; text in Portuguese, English or Spanish – up to 8.000 characters (with spaces); author’s data - up to 300 characters; Margins: 3 cm upper and left, 2 cm lower and right;
For all:
Font: Arial, size 12;
Spacing between lines: 1,5;
Quotations: follow the ABNT norms (in direct quotes of more than 3 lines apply indentation of 4 cm, font size 10 and spacing between simple lines);
Footer: preferably use only for notes (for reference calls, we recommend using the author-data system); References: follow ABNT standards (adopt titles in bold), which should already come in the appropriate format to follow through with the review.
The calls for footnotes in the body of the text must to come after the punctuation. For example: "See what happened with the explosion in Riocentro.2".
The text file should be sent in .doc or .docx format, named as follow: AUTHOR NAME_ Panel or Open Space’s name _ Title of paper.
If your paper contains images (up to 3 images), please send them separately, in jpg format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpis. Pictures should be named as: name or description of image (optional) © credit or photographer’s name.
Deadline for 2nd Trans-In-Corporados' submissions: Septiembre 30th, 2018.
Send to:
If your paper contains images (up to 3 images), please send them separately, in jpg format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpis. Pictures should be named as: name or description of image (optional) © credit or photographer’s name.
Deadline for 2nd Trans-In-Corporados' submissions: Septiembre 30th, 2018.
Send to:
Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Andrade
Committee chair and Coordinator of LabCrítica
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Prof. Dr. Lígia Tourinho
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Maria Inês Galvão
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Committee chair and Coordinator of LabCrítica
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Prof. Dr. Lígia Tourinho
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Maria Inês Galvão
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
LabCrítica’s Production Team
Director of Production: Sérgio Andrade
Coordinator of Event Production: Silvia Chalub
Coordinator of Artistc Production: Bruno Parisotto
Assistant Team Coordinator: Maria Inês Galvão
Production Assistant (PROFAEX - UFRJ): Joyce Pedroso
Visual Identity and Graphics Design: Iara Sales
Web designer: Matheus Graciano
Video: Tonlin Cheng
Photo: Laura Díaz Galán
Photo Assistant: María Paula Rodríguez
Comunication: Sérgio Andrade and Silvia Chalub
Assistant Team: Ana Cláudia Mello, Beatriz Pizarro, Dandara Ferreira, Eleonora Artysenk, Erivan Borges, Fabiana Amaral, Filipe Nanttel Nascentes, Giulia Fiorani, Jefferson Santos Costa, Jéssica Louzada, Lucas Fonseca, Mariana Nomelini, Natália Silva, Raquel Oliveira, Rayan Pires, Thábata Ribeiro e Yuri Dias
Coordinator of Event Production: Silvia Chalub
Coordinator of Artistc Production: Bruno Parisotto
Assistant Team Coordinator: Maria Inês Galvão
Production Assistant (PROFAEX - UFRJ): Joyce Pedroso
Visual Identity and Graphics Design: Iara Sales
Web designer: Matheus Graciano
Video: Tonlin Cheng
Photo: Laura Díaz Galán
Photo Assistant: María Paula Rodríguez
Comunication: Sérgio Andrade and Silvia Chalub
Assistant Team: Ana Cláudia Mello, Beatriz Pizarro, Dandara Ferreira, Eleonora Artysenk, Erivan Borges, Fabiana Amaral, Filipe Nanttel Nascentes, Giulia Fiorani, Jefferson Santos Costa, Jéssica Louzada, Lucas Fonseca, Mariana Nomelini, Natália Silva, Raquel Oliveira, Rayan Pires, Thábata Ribeiro e Yuri Dias
Scientific Committee
Dr. Cesar Barros, Professor
Latin American and Caribbean Studies – State University of New York, United States
Dr. Cristina Fernandes Rosa, Senior Lecture
Dance Department – Roehampton University, United Kingdom
Dr. Daniela Amoroso, Professor
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Dr. Daniella Aguiar, Professor
Graduate Program in Performing Arts of Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
Dr. Fábio Salvatti, Professor
Graduation Course in Performing Arts of Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brasil
Dr. Gilsamara Moura, Professor
Graduate Program in Dance and Graduate Program in Performing Arts of Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Dr. Hetty Blades, Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Center for Dance Research, Coventry University, United Kingdom
Dr. Joana Ribeiro, Professor
Graduate Program in Performing Arts of Federal University of State of Rio, Brazil
Dr. Lenira Peral Rengel
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Dr. Lígia Tourinho, Professor
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Lucía Naser, Professor
Graduation course of Dance, IENBA - Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay
Dr. Maria Inês Galvão, Professor
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Renato Ferracini, Professor
Graduate Program in Performing Arts of University of Campinas, Brasil
Dr. Sérgio Andrade, Professor
Coordinator of LabCrítica
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Thereza Rocha, Professor
Graduation Course in Dance, Federal University of Ceará, Brasil
Dr. Zeca Ligiero, Professor
Graduate Program in Performing Arts of Federal University of State of Rio, Brazil
Latin American and Caribbean Studies – State University of New York, United States
Dr. Cristina Fernandes Rosa, Senior Lecture
Dance Department – Roehampton University, United Kingdom
Dr. Daniela Amoroso, Professor
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Dr. Daniella Aguiar, Professor
Graduate Program in Performing Arts of Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
Dr. Fábio Salvatti, Professor
Graduation Course in Performing Arts of Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brasil
Dr. Gilsamara Moura, Professor
Graduate Program in Dance and Graduate Program in Performing Arts of Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Dr. Hetty Blades, Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Center for Dance Research, Coventry University, United Kingdom
Dr. Joana Ribeiro, Professor
Graduate Program in Performing Arts of Federal University of State of Rio, Brazil
Dr. Lenira Peral Rengel
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Dr. Lígia Tourinho, Professor
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Lucía Naser, Professor
Graduation course of Dance, IENBA - Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay
Dr. Maria Inês Galvão, Professor
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Renato Ferracini, Professor
Graduate Program in Performing Arts of University of Campinas, Brasil
Dr. Sérgio Andrade, Professor
Coordinator of LabCrítica
Graduate Program in Dance of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Thereza Rocha, Professor
Graduation Course in Dance, Federal University of Ceará, Brasil
Dr. Zeca Ligiero, Professor
Graduate Program in Performing Arts of Federal University of State of Rio, Brazil
Artistic Curatorship
Felipe Ribeiro (Convidado)
Maria Alice Poppe (LabCrítica)
Janaína Melo (MAR)
Julia Baker (MAR)
Lígia Tourinho (LabCrítica)
Sérgio Andrade (LabCrítica)
Maria Alice Poppe (LabCrítica)
Janaína Melo (MAR)
Julia Baker (MAR)
Lígia Tourinho (LabCrítica)
Sérgio Andrade (LabCrítica)
Laboratório de Crítica
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Dança
Departamento de Arte Corporal
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Dança
Departamento de Arte Corporal
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
CAPES | Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Ministry of Education – Brazil
Museu de Arte do Rio
Festival Panorama
Festival Panorama
Institutional Colaborators
Centro Coreográfico do Rio de Janeiro
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Dança da UFBA
Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Dança da UFBA
Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics







