Research group registered in CNPq which brings together researchers, artists and students interested in the critical thinking and its role in the reception of works, in the processes of creation and composition, and in the formation of curatorial circuits and discourses with the arts. The members of the group collaborate together in the development of projects, nuclei of studies, publication of translations and theoretical texts, besides the coordination and execution of the other actions developed by LabCritica described in this site.
Researchers GP LabCrítica
Bruno Reis, Flavia Meireles, Iara Sales, Lidia Larangeira, Lígia Toutinho, Maria Alice Poppe, Sérgio Andrade e Tonlin Cheng
Interns PIBID/UFRJ (2017-2018)
Bruna Belém, Raquel Oliveira e Thaís Chilingue
Researchers GP LabCrítica
Bruno Reis, Flavia Meireles, Iara Sales, Lidia Larangeira, Lígia Toutinho, Maria Alice Poppe, Sérgio Andrade e Tonlin Cheng
Interns PIBID/UFRJ (2017-2018)
Bruna Belém, Raquel Oliveira e Thaís Chilingue